Lab Rat - your own virtual science lab!



What we offer:

LabRat is an application offering a virtual science laboratory. This application is tailored to the current South African Physical Science syllabus offering the relevant experiments. 

For the Pupil:

You will have the opportunity to see experiments that are not conducted in class, or see an experiment before and again after it is conducted in class. No more concerns about what the chemical formula is or what the common names are! You do not need to search on the internet for long periods of time to find the particular experiment in the syllabus. 

For the School:

You could be a leading school by using the latest application on the most common technology. Instead of finding an entire science laboratory and the costs associated with keeping it going, these experiments can be used in class on mobile phones and tablets. Students will have the perfect resource to relive the experiment and have all the names and formulas at their disposal.

All donations made go towards funding underprivileged pupils in townships so that they also have access to science labs where schools do not have funding for these facilities.

 *Disclaimer* Although Every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of the content, LabRat cannot be held liable for incorrect content.

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